Written by Tom King
Illustrated by Mitch Gerads
Published by DC Comics
This is the penultimate issue of this wonderful series. It’s just a book that gets deeper and more involved with each and every issue. This one here is no different.
King and Gerads just nailed this character in a new and unique way that nobody has ever done before.
This issue has to do with Mister Miracle making a deal with the one creature you should never make a deal with!
Yes, you guessed it! He decides to make a deal with Darkseid.
Why would he do such a thing? Doesn’t he know that you should never trust Darkseid?
The opening sequence has Scott and Big Barda going to see Darkseid himself. I loved it. It’s so whimsically done.
I love that Scott calls Desaad “Uncle Desaad!” It’s nice touches like this that make the whole thing sing.
Scott and Barda give their child to Darkseid in exchange for the Anti-Life equation. They have a discussion and hand him over. The baby then grabs Darkseid’s nose as a baby would. It’s funny and awesome and real.
So then it’s time to leave the kid with Darkseid. They got what they came for. It’s time to leave.
But do you really believe that they are going to leave the kid with Grandpa Darkseid?
Not on your life! They make their move and try to get the hell out of there intact as a family!
It all leads to a horrifying cliffhanger that is just incredible. I have no idea how they are going to end it but I am enthralled. This is a heck of an issue that just moved. King deserves credit for just writing the hell out of this character.
And Gerads is just excellent. His art is perfect for this. We are one issue away and he’s just killed on the entire series thus far. If it ends as good as it’s been, this could be one of the all time great comic book series. I think that it’s going to actually happen.
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