Written by Michael Conrad, Becky Cloonan
Art by Michael Avon Oeming
Published by DC Comics
Spinning out of the recent backup series in Action Comics, Midnighter finally gets a full length story again. Luckily, the creative team have a good handle on the character and the story that they are telling.
The Midnighter is in a bit of a jam.
The Midnighter went to the future to help his future self get out of a bit of trouble. The problem now is that he has switched places with his future self. He has no way to get back to the present.
He eventually stumbles onto a way, but it may prove trickier than he knows.
He has to ride a paradox back to the present day. That’s great and all, but there are a lot of events on the way that make this whole thing very difficult.
We get to see him battle his way back. He might need some help to do so. He starts to search for help. He goes to to find Andrej Trojan, who is a sinister sort of person who holds the key to the Midnighter getting back to his timeline. Will he be of any help at all?
The writing on this is very good and it has some great moments. They would be a good pair to write an ongoing Midnighter series. The art by Oeming is good as always.
I liked this very much and it is a really well done story.

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