Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Fran Galán
Published by Dark Horse Comics
Lucky Devil #1, written by Cullen Bunn, finds a hapless schlub of a man named Stanley, being possessed by a demon that sort of grants Stanley all the power and greatness his normal life has never provided… but, as you can guess, at a price. After an exorcism gone horribly wrong, Stanley realizes he has retained all the powers and supernatural abilities of the demon, Zed, who possessed him.
Taking this new found power, Stanley, begins to build himself a cult of immeasurable proportions.
The only problem is that he now finds himself hunted down by the denizens of Hell. Demons, wanting to reclaim the power Stanley has stolen, are now on the prowl to take back what Stanley has claimed for himself.
This is a fun supernatural romp full of all the gore and humor one should hope to find in a book of this caliber. I enjoyed the ridiculousness of the premise and dug the art style of Fran Galàn.
I have to remark on the color palette choices she has used to convey the scenes of both the horrible and the mundane as they are really terrific in conveying the sinister world of the demon and the horrific wrath it leaves behind juxtaposed with the muted greens and cooler tones of the mundane real world of Stanley’s life. It give the book a real SE7EN feel mixed with the warmer sinister tones of The Devil’s Advocate.
This is totally an “origin” issue setting up what could be a really great horror book.
I am looking forward to the next issue to see where they take the hapless character of Stanley now that he is full on evil and out for both revenge and reward.
If done right and taken to its full potential this could be a really fantastic book.
This issue brings the hope and promise of great things to come.

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