Written by Kami Garcia
Art by Jason Badower and Mico Suayan
Published by DC Comics
This series has truly gone on much more than needed. I feel like this could have been a nice and tight three issue series.
Instead, we have gotten a comic book series that just meanders and stalls. I feel that they have run out of story and are instead surviving on fumes.
At least this issue has a few things that happen in it.
The Joker is having a big reign of terror throughout Gotham City. He is being pretty unrelenting in his assault.
Harley Quinn is trying to find the Joker as this issue starts, and she wants to stop him and bring him to justice.
The Joker will have none of that, however.
He decides to stage an attack at the Gotham Arena. That means really bad things for the people attending the Event Horizon concert going on. The fans of this band are in for some serious trouble if the Joker isn’t stopped!
Harley has to go to the Arena to stop the Joker but has to make sure that she doesn’t kill him. It may be a tough thing for Harley not to be able to do. This issue sets up the ending for the series with this story and starts to wrap up some plot points.
The story by Kami Garcia fails to thrill. I wish it had a little more pep to it rather than just seemingly going through the motions. The artwork by Mico Suayan and Jason Badower is still the best part of the book. Both artists are very accomplished and do a great job. I hope this has a really strong or just crazy ending. I fear that it will just be a standard one, however.
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