Written by Dave Dwonch, Brockton McKinney
Art by Magenta King
Published by Dark Horse Comics
The action continues in Jenny Zero #3, “Little Reminders”.
The story of part three picks up after Alpha Male and the A. S. P. had barged into Jenny and her good friend, Dana’s hotel room to extract the AWOL Jenny.
Alpha Male is interrogating Dana for Jenny’s whereabouts. Meanwhile, Jenny has ventured to a remote mountain fortress because someone from her past had said she would eventually seek them out. This mysterious person offers to train Jenny.
All hell breaks loose when the A. S. P. has discovered her whereabouts.
This book has been really fun and such a pleasure to read. It hits all the marks for me in what makes a great comic book.
Great art, first and foremost. I absolutely love Magenta King’s art. It is loose, energetic and kinetic, and expressive. Augmented by colors by Dam it enhances Dwonch and McKinney’s story to the max.
I love all the influences from some of my favorite Japanese pop culture icons like Godzilla, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Ultraman. That mixed with the Cyberpunk, dystopian society tropes really just hoos me in every time.
I am both excited and a little sad that the story will conclude with the next and final issue. I can’t wait to see how it all resolves. It is what makes limited series such great comic stories but also what makes them awful. I don’t want it to end. I, however, hate it when a comic book, or any story for that matter, goes on too long and runs its course then runs itself into the ground.
Bring on Jenny Zero #4!
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