Written by Dave Dwonch and
Brockton McKinney
Art by Magenta King
Published by Dark Horse Comics
Jenny Zero #2: Small World written by David Dwonch and Brockton McKinney and illustrated by Magenta King picks up where the cliffhanger at the end of issue one left off.
After a brief flashback showing her father’s sacrifice, Jenny is now a full blown Kaiju and very confused.
Cutting between past and present events we begin to form the whole picture of the lies and deceit surrounding Jenny’s life and the secrets she held within her.
Kept from her by her father and his assistant to protect her, it is this very secret that must be unleashed now to help save the world from utter destruction. As you can guess she doesn’t take it very well and tension mounts as she runs further away from what must be done.
The second issue of Jenny Zero ups the ante and kept me fully entertained as I read it.
I absolutely love the art style and the story is really well paced and thought out. Magenta’s art style is reminiscent of Paul Pope and Paul Maybury, whom I love. The colors by DAM are vibrant and really bring the whole word together.
For the first time, since I can remember, I had the experience of reaching the end of the issue and thinking, “Well fuck. Don’t end it there! I NEED more!”
Then I was sad that I had to wait a month for the next issue. This, to me, is no higher praise for a comic book. So here I wait for next month when Jenny Zero #3 magically appears in my inbox.

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