Written by Geoffrey Thorne
Art by Dexter Soy, Marco Santucci
Published by DC Comics
I really enjoyed the Grant Morrison/Liam Sharp Green Lantern run over the last few years. It left the character of Hal Jordan in a great spot for more adventure and it had so much thoughtfulness and creativity to it. It reminded me why I loved the character and the world he has adventures in.
This new Green Lantern series has none of those things.
Instead, it reminded me why I dropped off reading the book. We start off with a new scenario. The United Planets have reformed and started up again. They hold a summit with the Guardians of the Universe to determine who can best defend the entire cosmos from danger.
It is played somewhat kitschy and cute.
And those are two things I just hate.
The majority of the Green Lanterns are called back to the planet OA. The two who haven’t are two Green Lanterns: John Stewart and the “Teen Lantern” Keli Quintela. The two of them arrive at the summit.
Yet, Keli Quintela’s power gauntlet may be the most powerful weapon in the universe!
It is a pretty groan inducing setup made worse by some painful dialogue. The summit goes awry and the universe seems to be headed towards a state of flux.
Thorne writes a script that I wish had more to it. It doesn’t set up an interesting premise nor did it grab me at any point. The artwork by Dexter Soy is the best part of the book. He does a great job bringing it all to life. Too bad it just isn’t enough to make the story more exciting.

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