Welcome back to Graphic Breakdown!
It’s a mixed bag this week for comics. Let’s get started!
Detective Comics #978
Written by James Tynion IV
Illustrated by Javier Fernandez
This is the third part of the “Batman: Eternal” storyline.
And it’s a bit of a snoozer. I always read this title hoping it’ll pick up, but sadly, it hasn’t.
In this issue, Batwoman has an entire army at her command.
That’s pretty cool. It’s a shame she doesn’t do anything terribly interesting with them. We are put through some familiar story beats and it leads to a dull ending.
Tynion is on his way out.
He’s not a bad writer, he just has lost steam. The art isn’t bad.
It’s a pretty standard comic book overall that barely registers.
Written by Joshua Williamson
Illustrated by Carmine do Giandomenico
This book is kicking into high gear!
This is part six of “The Perfect Storm” storyline. Williamson did a hell of a job writing this storyline. He made Gorilla Grodd a well developed character and it’s been truly amazing.
Barry has his powers back!
Grodd wants to destroy Central City. He’s out to go do that very thing!
Can Barry stop him?
Or is Central City going to be reduced to a pile of rubble?
The story is just awesome. Williamson is leading us up perfectly to The Flash Wars storyline. The art is tops too.
You can’t go wrong with this title. Pick this up. It’s super cool.
Written by Rob Williams
Illustrated by Eduardo Pansica
This is part two of “Break Down The Wall!”
The entity known as “The Wall” is going out of control!
Rob Williams writes a wacky storyline that is anything but subtle. It’s a tad better than it’s been but it’s still pretty nuts.
The Wall is going crazy! He’s headed for the Capitol building in Washington DC.
Rick Flag has to turn to the one group he didn’t want to to help: The Suicide Squad.
But can they do anything?
Or is everything going to Hell in a hand basket?
The story is out of its mind. The art isn’t half bad overall.
This is another trip to crazy town. But at least it doesn’t pretend to be anything else.
Written by Scott Lobdell
Illustrated by Dexter Soy
This is another fun issue in this series!
I just adore what Lobdell has done here. You need to read the entire series up til this. I assure you, it’s a good ride.
Red Hood wants to get in on the Gotham City underworld. He drops by the Iceberg Lounge to really annoy the hell out of the Penguin.
The Penguin just might have the upper hand!
All this and we learn some secrets about Bizarro!
I just love this. The art by Soy is tops. He and Lobdell make for an amazing team. Pick this up.
This is such a good title. You may not be reading this at the moment but you totally should!
Written by Gene Luen Yang
Illustrated by Brent Peeples
This book caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting too much on the outset.
Yet, I should have known better with such a seasoned creator like Yang at the helm. It’s been great.
This is part three of the “Sea of Change” storyline.
The story of the Aquaman of North Korea finishes here!
And the Justice League of China heads off to a fight!
Instead of just fighting though, they actually learn a hard lesson.
The stories have been great. The characters are all well developed. I have been enjoying this every month.
Pick this up. It’s been a blast!
Written by Dan Abnett
Illustrated by Paul Pelletier
“Titans Apart” part three is here!
Dan Abnett ratchets up the tension here and it’s awesome to read!
This is the way I like my Titans.
Arsenal is following a conspiracy.
The problem is, nobody else can see the conspiracy! Is he crazy?
Well, Cheshire is hunting him down, so maybe not! On top of things, they used to date!
Only Donna Troy believes him…and she’s got a bunch of problems of her own!
The writing is fast and entertaining. The art is just okay overall. Still, pick this up. The story is good enough to make you care and want more!
Written by Magdalene Visaggio
Illustrated by Sonny Liew
I liked the first issue of this series very much.
It’s hard to tell if it’ll have any real longevity however. This may be good for a short run and may not have much legs besides that.
There is something on a distant planet that Eternity Girl wants to destroy. It’s a structure that is called the Shining Tower. It’s the axis of life and death.
To end her suffering, Eternity Girl has to destroy it. But it’ll also destroy everything else as well!
The writing is strong. The art by Liew is tops; I love his work and everything he does.
All in all, it’s a good book. But let’s see how it goes!
I’ll be reading for sure!
Written by James Tynion IV
Illustrated by Jim Lee
This is a fairly decent debut of this title.
Tynion and Lee have both done some sub par work of late. This is a much better outing for them both. It’s a strong first issue and I’m looking forward to more.
This book involves a secret group of heroes that operate from the shadows. They’ve been around forever and they are immortal!
Suddenly, their base is attacked!
Now they must find a new member to get themselves out of trouble! But will the evildoers get to him first?
The story is pretty decent. The art is good as well. This looks like Lee took some time with it rather than the usual rush job he’s been doing. Give this a look. It’s fairly good!

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