Written and Illustrated by Henry Chamberlain
Published by Rutgers University Press
This was a really unique and interesting read.
I never knew about George Clayton Johnson and his work. The amazing thing is, that I have seen a lot of it. He was a hell of a writer but he also lived a hell of a life. This book demonstrates that life and his trials and tribulations. It is very interesting and I enjoyed it very much.
The art style took me a few tries to get into. It isn’t my favorite type of art, and I did struggle initially with it. Once I got over that hurdle, I actually really came to enjoy it. It is simple, and it actually served the story very well. I also like how it boiled things down to its bare essentials.
George Clayton Johnson was a writer who sold the Ocean’s Eleven screenplay and started making a name for himself with his scripts.
He also started working on various television shows. One of these was The Twilight Zone. We get to see Johnson going through his life and the various landmarks in it.
The book feels like a conversation between two friends more than it does a typical biography. I wasn’t that big a fan of the author, Henry Chamberlain inserting himself as a character. But he makes it work for the most part. It does weaken the book at some points, and feels a bit like a fan writing this rather than being objective.
Overall, it’s not a bad book. It has a lot of merit and I did learn a lot.
For a few of the faults the book has, I am glad that I read it. George Clayton Johnson is a marvel and it is a good book to learn about his work and who he was a a person.
Very enjoyable.

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