Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Published by Image Comics
The first issue of this comic book was pretty intriguing.
The creative team obviously have been working together for a long time so they both know how to play to each other’s strengths. This issue is pretty good as well and continues the story that they started in an interesting way.
We got to see some of the aftermath of the apocalypse last issue.
It showed us how Tariq Geiger tried to preserve his family and his sanity after such a devastating event. We also got to see some of the long range effects from the world ending.
This issue is about the main characters trying to find something that they never thought that they would find.
It is a relic from the war. This relic can possibly help give back hope. It could also make more destruction.
Geiger and the Casino Warlords of Las Vegas both want this relic.
This issue basically about both of their struggles to try and get it. The issue is exciting for sure. It also has a lot of character development and unexpected emotion in it.
Geoff Johns writes a great script here. He really is trying to push his writing in a new direction, and his work pays off. Gary Frank is one of the all time greats when it comes to drawing comics. Needless to say, he does a great job on the artwork as well.
This is another solid issue from a top notch team!

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