Written and Illustrated by Joelle Jones
Published by DC Comics
Look at that cover. Seriously, look at it!
Yara Flor, standing atop her Pegasus, pulling Cerberus on a chain. And she’s laughing! Laughing!
Is that not what you want from Wonder Woman?
The story follows up on that cover with a hefty slice of action. Yara is running to catch Charon’s boat across the River Styx, but that three-headed pooch follows hot on her tail.
Yara’s solution to distract the demon dog is brazen, downright disrespectful, and genius. You haven’t seen a game of fetch like this!
As many questions as I had reading the first issue, Joelle Jones keeps the pace going with more questions while doling out a little more information.
A vital flashback gives us more pieces. There’s Themyscira, all right, but in the past. And it’s under attack from men, but who are they?
We find out the name of the missing sister Yara went to the underworld to find, but we learn little of their relationship. Are they blood sisters, or Amazonian sisters in the figurative sense? Are they best friends, lovers, or both?
Either way, we learn that a sacrifice was made, and our heroine likely is suffering from a bit of survivor’s guilt.
Jones knocks it out of the park again with the art. Great posing and depiction of movement, and sequential art that swings panel to panel. Also, I’m always here for the use of Ben-Day dots, of which we receive a banquet this issue.
The climax of the story, in particular, is well captured through the emotion of the moment in Jones’ expressive faces. All the while, the script gives us some more world-building morsels.
Colorist Jordie Bellaire adds wonderful dimension to Jones’ art, especially in the underworld when we meet lord Hades – all black and gray flesh, glowing red eyes and a matching heart. Our narrator mentions feet of clay, and Yara’s skin looks as red clay, and her armor shines with multiple tones.
This issue goes in directions I didn’t expect, and I’m interested to see how Yara grows from the experience.

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