Forces of Geek recently visited the DreamWorks Animation campus in Glendale, CA to interview a few artists (Tyler Phillips, Ted Ty, and Manny Fragelus) about their work and after work.
Pro animation requires diligence, attention to detail, and time.
Lots of it.
Somehow, these guys have managed to fit fascinating projects and hobbies into the time they have outside of working at what seems to be (for lack of a better term) a dream job.
Get it?
Because it’s DreamWorks. Bwahahaha!
Note: In the video, if you see the camera jar just a bit, it’s because I am giggling/accidentally kicking the tripod. This was a super fun project, not gonna lie.
I really dig animation, and I especially dig talking to animators.
I first visited the DreamWorks campus in 2006, to check out a screening of the Annie Awards nominees for Best Animated Short and to take in Pen Ward’s original Adventure Time short on the big screen. I went again to sit in on a panel for Women in Animation.
I’ve been back several times over the past few years, as an interviewer and animation fangirl, and I love it.
Me, wearing said kung fu gold medal,
at KFP2 opening weekend. |
FUN FACT: I may have seen Kung Fu Panda (my fave animated comedy) and may have decided shortly thereafter to take up kung fu and I may have won a gold medal in the martial arts competition that followed my first year of training.*
*These results of watching animation not typical. Also, I may have been the only person competing in my category.
Go forth! Watch the video! Get to know these fantastic artists and visit for info on their upcoming releases.
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