One of the most acclaimed and popular television series of all time, Breaking Bad left an indelible imprint on the imaginations of viewers around the world. Walter White’s transformation from high school chemistry teacher to meth kingpin has inspired thousands of artists to creatively reinterpret the show’s stark, stylish visuals and unforgettable characters.
99.1% Pure: Breaking Bad Art [Insight Editions; August 2021] brings together an electrifying collection of art from around the globe, personally curated by show creator Vince Gilligan and the Breaking Bad team. Featuring a dazzling array of styles, this one-of-a-kind book is the ultimate tribute to the series and its seismic impact on popular culture.
From bold reimaginings of fan-favorite moments to whimsical riffs on iconic characters like Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Gus Fring, Saul Goodman, Skyler White, and Hank Schrader, this book is a comprehensive collection of art from all over the globe– a deluxe artbook that will complete any Breaking Bad or Pop Art collection.
Thanks to our friends at Insight Editions, we’re happy to share some exclusive art from the upcoming release!
For more details, visit
99.1% Pure: Breaking Bad Art is available for pre-order now
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