In this fondly remembered animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Studios, Bo, Luke and Daisy Duke take their high-wheelin’ country cruisin’ around the world in a race against Boss Hogg for the family farm. No joshin’ – the Dukes speed through France, Italy, Austria, Greece, England – you name it, the General Lee made tracks there! En route, Boss Hogg pulls the nastiest tricks ever, like blinding the boys with a fog machine, having them kidnapped and tricking them into a jewel heist. Why, that Hogg’s as crooked as a dog’s hind leg! But that won’t stop the Dukes from fighting a fair fight and teaching that cheat a few tricks along the way. Y’all need to catch this 4-Disc, 20-Episode Complete Animated Series Collection from the time the pedal hits the metal all the way to the finish line!
And if the mere release of this title isn’t cool enough, the first 400 copies will be signed by actor James Best (who portrayed Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane on both The Dukes and The Dukes of Hazard!
The dvd set will be released on December 7th and hopefully it will open the door for more of the animated Hanna Barbera sitcom adaptations including Fonz and the Happy Days Gang, Laverne And Shirley In The Army and Mork and Mindy.
For more details or to order, please click HERE!
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