Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Joe Quinones
Published by DC Comics
This is a fun and inventive series that has a great storyline month in and month out. This has been excellent fun and I honestly wasn’t expecting to be enjoying it as much as I have been.
Sam Humphries and Joe Quinones have been killing it creatively month in and month out. This issue is no different!
This issue starts off with Miguel waking up and being disoriented about where he is.
From there, he gets himself situated and tries to adjust. He runs into Mister Thunderbolt and tries to guess just what the heck is going on!
He gets it together enough to realize that he is in the Heroverse and that Mister Thunderbolt has stolen the Dial H for Hero device.
Miguel needs that device back as soon as humanly possible.
So the issue is basically Miguel trying to do just that. It’s a pretty fast paced issue that moves at a quick clip.
The issue also digs deep into just what the Heroverse is and is an origin story of sorts. It’s all very well done. We get some of the answers we have been waiting for. Quinones does a great job on the art. He makes each “realm” feel thought out and smart and very enjoyable. It’s really great to read.
By the end, Superman and Lois Lane get involved.
Things get really crazy and out of control. We also get to see what happens when the Dial H device goes crazy. We see the full potential of the device unleashed and it’s spectacular.
This has been a very enjoyable read. The creative team really pushes what they are capable of doing and leave us on a crazy cliffhanger.
Next issue should be a blast too. This is a good solid read overall.

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