Written by Sam Humphries
Illustrated by Joe Quinones
Published by DC Comics
DC has brought us back the Dial H For Hero comic!
This was always one of my favorite concepts to come from the publisher. The idea was that if you were to dial a certain number on a phone it would give you superpowers. It’s an appealing concept that they are bringing back here. And how is this first issue of the new comic series?
Well, not bad. Not bad at all. We are introduced right off the bat to Miguel. He is a risk taker and somebody who likes to do crazy things.
We see him first as a ten year old boy who just did a double back flip off a diving board. He smacked his head on the board and needs to get to a hospital. So what happens?
Well, Superman comes flying by and saves his life. From there, we see him growing up doing a variety of risky things. He eventually ends up working in a dead end job on a food truck. But when he’s not working he still likes to partake in risks still. And that’s when we see him try another one of those risks.
The risk involves a dirt bike and it ends up that Miguel is tossed over a cliff. What is he to do? As he is falling, a phone appears. He does the thing he is told to do. And he makes the call and his entire world opens right up!
He turns himself into a superhero called Monster Truck. He acts like a superhero and loves it. Then he becomes Miguel again. But it’s like a drug to him. He can’t stop himself.
By the end of the issue, it sets up the rest of this limited series. We meet the Operator and a whole world just opens up. It’s pretty thrilling for the most part. And I’m intrigued to see more.
Humphries has always been a decent writer that was always on the verge on breaking out and being a superstar. This may be the book that allows him that. The art by Joe Quinones is pretty special as well. This is a nice start to a very interesting series. Let’s see where it goes!

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