Written by Greg Pak
Art by Raffaele Ienco
Published by Marvel Comics
To say that Darth Vader has been put through the wringer is an understatement.
He was tortured by Palpatine.
Hunted by killer droids, taunted by a Sith assassin, and forbidden to use the Force.
Now, a failing respirator.
Mustafar’s volcanic terrain is Vader’s saving grace as he’s been on his heels at every turn.
That is all about to change.
Vader survived his encounter with the Eye of Webbish Bogg, and Ochi is shocked he came out of it with a Wayfinder.
I find this fascinating because it’s yet another secret Palpatine kept from Vader, but told Ochi.
I find it intriguing that Ochi knows more about Mustafar than Vader considering it where the Dark Lord makes his home.
If that’s not enough, Vader learns the name Exegol for the first time as Ochi sang like his life depended on it. While skilled, Ochi is not even a match for a Vader with 30-year-old battle droid parts. Palpatine’s back up plans have back up plans, which makes me wonder if he knows Vader would best Ochi under any circumstances. If so, this could mean Palpatine wasn’t ready to reveal his secrets on Exegol until now. Again, if so, why?
Greg Pak’s ability to put Vader in challenging situations is a treat to watch since using the Force is a no-no.
Even more suspense is added with Vader’s failing respirator and decaying body due to his damaged suit. Vader no-sells his predicament while taunted by his pursuers. Internally, it’s a different story as Vader requires Bacta.
Raffaele Ienco illustrates this with a red hue flashback panel of Vader’s personal bacta tank flanked by the Emperor’s Royal Guard from Rogue One. It’s a short moment, but it’s the first time Vader expresses the need for medical treatment because the fighting is finally getting to him.
Getting back to Ochi, just to clarify, his full name is Ochi of Bestoon. The Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon join him. I don’t know why everyone from Bestoon carries the planet as a part of their namesake. They just can’t hide that Bestoon pride.
Anyways, Ochi called in the pirates for an assist, and they suddenly turn on him because the job wasn’t as easy as advertised. Ochi cowers in fear until Vader saves him for his own personal gain.
The pirates’ inclusion is a head a scratcher since there was a squad of Death Troopers ready to help Ochi at the end of the last issue. Here, they’re replaced by the pirates with no explanation. Also, Ochi backing down from someone he hired seemed out of sync for Palpatine’s assassin.
Morsels of prequel nostalgia sprinkled throughout leads to a conclusion that was mentioned but not seen in The Rise of Skywalker. This time, we see it in all its massive glory.
Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco tell a descriptive story that effortlessly fills in the reader on every detail. While one part needed to be fleshed out a little more, the narrative corner has turned. Vader has gone from the hunted to the hunter.
Still, I have no idea how he’s going to win.
Rating: B

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