Written by James Tynion IV, Bryan Edward Hill
Art by Jesús Merino Nik Virella
Published by DC Comics
The Death Metal series has been out of it’s mind.
The spin-offs from that series have been equally out of their minds. It all means that it is a good time for the readers. I enjoyed this particular spin-off very much and it is completely out of it’s mind. That is fine by me as far as I am concerned.
And then this comes along.
The first story of the book is by writer James Tynion IV and it is illustrated by Jesus Merino. I
t is a fight between this New God Dark Knight character and Perpetua. It is a rather stupid story but I have to say that I enjoyed it for one reason only: Jesus Merino! His artwork here is great I mean, they were hitting each other with planets.
There is some other plot surrounding these two god’s battle. But I got lost and the whole thing is an unintentional laugh riot for me.
This story is pretty bad overall.
Honestly, the backup story by writer Bryan Hill and artist Nik Virella is a thousand times better.
It features Green Lantern John Stewart having to gather the troops for an upcoming battle. The only thing I didn’t like was that it was very short. Maybe it should have been the main feature.
So this issue was a bit of a letdown overall. It could have been great. Maybe let Hill and Virella take the lead next time.
This is my least favorite Death Metal spin off.
Ah, well. They can’t all be winners.

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