Written by Jed McPherson
Art by Marco Perugini
Published by ComiXology
Cuddles is a pretty damn good comic book and one worth tracking down. This was part of a Kickstarter comic campaign and it came out great. It’s under 50 pages and they pack a lot into those pages. I commend the creators for their work.
The book focuses on “Cuddles” Nelson who is the top enforcer for a mob boss. We get to see him having a confrontation at a fast food restaurant that sort of gives us a perfect introduction for him.
Then, things get crazy, quick.
We slowly get to see him boxed in from all angles. Many different enemies start to close in on him. He starts to get backed into a corner. Once he is, he has to consider his options. That is when things really start to go to hell.
Cuddles has to do some extreme things to survive. We get to see those extreme things. The creative team doesn’t hold back on this. It all leads to one hell of a bloody conclusion that made this comic book unforgettable.
The writing is strong. Jed McPherson is obviously a talent and he is very understated in his writing. The artwork is very good as well. This is a good comic book. I would like to see this team tackle something bigger, but this is a satisfying read from start to finish.

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