Written by Steve Orlando
Art by Davide Tinto
Published by Image Comics
Superheroes exist to save the day.
Sometimes, to save the entire world.
But what does “save the world” mean?
To simply neutralize a threat, and keep on moving?
Doesn’t that mean they simply preserve the status quo, then?
To save the world doesn’t necessarily mean to change the world for the better, beyond the idea that pretty much any alternative is better than enslavement by Darkseid, mass death by Thanos, or existential extinction.
Commanders in Crisis has led us to this idea with this issue.
The cosmic sepsis has arrived for Earth-Z the final reality in the multiverse. The sepsis comes from humanity’s overall lack of connection amid institutional wreckage, environmental ruin, social and economic inequality, and oppression.
The Extinction Society killed the living concept of Empathy, hastening the crisis.
But what could bring the world back from the brink?
Crisis Command, reunited, go for one last Hail Mary: Originator has linked all 7 billion human minds for 24 hours. And after humbling themselves by saying Crisis Command’s superheroes wrongly thought they could impose as saviors, give an ultimatum nonetheless.
Collective humanity must come up with an idea, of cooperation and will to do better as one. Then, and only then, can Originator realize that idea through the bident from the Lightning World where the conceptual becomes corporeal.
They must do this, or the sepsis will destroy all existence.
No biggie.
Steve Orlando and Davide Tinto lay out their final treatise, by envisioning the start of remaking the world as we know it. Of acting on promise and faith to cooperate and build anew. Of course, how could you not after all of humanity spent time in each other’s minds?
After an experience such as that, bad actors and nihilists had no home to hide in. And the way forward was understood that whoever fought the future would lose.
There are a bunch of other cool things that happen as a result of the great mind meld, stuff I don’t want to spoil. Go read it for yourself.
And as this arc comes to a close, and a multiverse renewed, I wouldn’t mind seeing what Orlando and Tinto may cook up for these characters going forward.

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