Written by Ram V
Art by Fernando Blanco
Published by DC Comics
This series is progressively getting a little better with each passing issue.
I still feel like it is a bit lost as far as what direction it is going.
But it isn’t bad. This issue offers a bit more excitement than we have seen, especially in the last few issues.
Catwoman and Shoes start off the issue by doing something really dangerous.
The two of them crash the home art gallery opening of Mr Roy. They are after one of the rarest things in Mr. Roy’s collection and they won’t leave without it!
Apparently, Mr. Roy has a test tube containing Poison Ivy.
Catwoman and Shoed then go through quite an ordeal to get Poison Ivy back. It is very exciting and the action in this issue really works well. We also get to see a bit of back story.
The issue shows us how Poison Ivy got into this predicament in the first place.
This part is admittedly a bit boring and kills the flow of the issue a bit. There is a strong ending that is good and interesting and leaves the book off on a good note.
I am starting to really enjoy the way Ram V is writing this, and his work overall. It is a bit of a different writing style but a lot of it works. Fernando Blanco does a great job too with the art and the book looks great.
Overall, this is a decent issue of this series.
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