Written by Joelle Jones
Illustrated by Joelle Jones, Fernando Blanco
Published by DC Comics
This is the third part of first arc of this new book by Joelle Jones.
She’s been doing a tremendous job on both aspects of this comic. She writes an engaging tale throughout. The artwork also works seamlessly with her writing.
It makes for one hell of a package!
This issue opens with Selina all dressed up and seemingly undercover at a place called the Rancho Rodeo (or Villa Hermosa). She meets the guy responsible for having all of those women dressed up as her in the past two issues. His name is Mr. Creel and he’s a creepy looking guy for sure.
Apparently, Mr. Creel just wanted to get her attention. He runs a community in a private city and he wanted to invite Catwoman into it. But of course, there are stipulations. Catwoman has to work for them for her residency. Needless to say, she doesn’t take too kindly to the idea.
And that’s when all hell breaks loose!
There’s some funny dialogue and cute moments in this sequence. My favorite was when an older woman in a nice flowing dress viciously tackles and throws Selina out the window. Selina lands on a car. And then, one of the servants says “Um, your keys, Miss?” while holding up her keys. Brilliant. It’s moments like this that really make this story stand out.
We then get to see a little bit of Raina’s backstory. It’s a tense sequence and its wonderfully drawn by Fernando Blanco. It gives the story itself some weight which is always a good thing. It also shows that Jones can write for other artists and write pretty well at that.
The issue ends with Selina nursing her wounds and then going back out into the night. There’s a wonderful sequence without words and then we get a surprise last page. Jones does a nice job of setting up the next issue.
My only gripe with it is, where is it all going? I’m assuming Jones has a plan, I just have no inkling yet of what it is. That could be a great thing if it pays off. If it doesn’t, well, the whole thing can fall flat. Let’s see what happens. I’m along for the ride either way.
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