So you couldn’t make it to Comic-Con this weekend in San Diego, plus you’re on the East Coast anyway and October’s a long way off for New York Comic Con.
What’s a good East Coaster Geek to do? With a New York City-inclination toward events, here are a few suggestions for you, plus some things to celebrate in the comfort of your own home…
New York City’s premiere repertory film house, FILM FORUM, celebrates the 100th Anniversary of Universal Pictures this weekend with a massive amount of classics from the studio, mostly in 35mm prints on their screens. They’re kicking off the fest with some really strong ones too:
Friday, July 13th – DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN (2 for 1 admission)
Saturday, July 14th – TOUCH OF EVIL and CAPE FEAR
Sunday, July 15th – E.T. and SHADOW OF A DOUBT
Oh, and you may as well plan on your Monday too, as they have a 35mm print of Terry Gilliam’s BRAZIL!
You can also start your own personal collection of the biggest and the best Universal movies on Blu-ray (many for the first time ever) right now. Tons of amazing films have made their way to High Definition or will be by year’s end…
Hartford Connecticut is home to their “massively multi-genre” convention this weekend at the Connecticut Convention Center. Expected guests include Carlos Ferro (Gears of War), Emmy winning animated voice master Jim Cummings (Aladdin), Michelle Lang (Lady Lazarus), Rachel Robinson (Final Fantasy XIII-2) and Tim Buckley (CtrlAltDel).
As much as I hate, hate, hate interactive theater, I am totally down with the resistance, or should I say The Resistance. Every Saturday at 8pm at the Santos Party House (96 Lafayette Street in Manhattan) is this interactive spoof of T2 that includes live recreations of action sequences, special effects, scorching of He-Man action figures and lots and lots of super-soakers. This is from the director of Point Break Live! which was a hit on the West Coast. Every ticket purchased gets you a free beer, by the way. So get your ass to Mars! I think. Wrong movie?

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