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With summer coming and the pandemic restrictions lifted, it’s time to once again look for the right place to get away from it all.
And what better place than the Star Wars Universe?
According to an interview carried out by Betway casino, Naboo is considered to be the best planet to live on. But which is the best planet for a vacation?
Sure, it’s uninhabitable. But most gas planets are. But Cloud City is a perfect vacation destination. With Lando Calrissian overseeing the facility, Cloud City offers amazing views, spotless facilities and an incredible brunch.
The entire planet is a giant metropolis with non-stop activity. Over 1000 levels cover every socio-economic level. An intense experience, it might not be for everyone. It could be a fun vacation, but not the ideal place to live, especially when it was run under Imperial rule.
The moons of Endor are the real vacation spot. Plenty of opportunities to get back to nature. Dense forests, and clear skies are highlights and cannibalistic waist high creatures are a constant concern. Yub Nub.
Probably ideal for skiing and skating, but the below zero temperatures and threats of Wampas are enough to make me want to have a staycation.
Pretty as a picture, Naboo features stunning landscapes, a Royal city, and a very relaxed environment. It also sounds dull as hell and prone to stupidity thanks to the Gungan community.
Very hot, but it’s a dry heat, Tatooine has little to offer than a stunning twin sunset.
With Jawas and Tusken Raiders patrolling the planet, it’s best to stay away from tourist traps and focus on neighborhood locations like Toshe station and the cantina in Mos Eisley. Tatooine isn’t necessarily droid friendly, and it’s actually full of danger like the plethora of organized crime and the way to miss until it’s too late Sarlaac Pitt. Definitely an acquired taste for a very particular personality.
Depending when you go, the planet’s pretty dead.
Dream vacation spot for fans of the Sith. Notable tourist must-see is Darth Vader’s castle. Caution, however, the planet is covered in hot lava and is completely uninhabitable. Plus, the humidity is off the charts.
The “bog planet”, or more appropriately a dump. Smells terrible, lots of snakes, and apparently only has one resident, a Jedi Master, now deceased. There’s not much here in terms of sightseeing or even clean and safe hotels. Dagobah has it’s fair of the Dark Side of the Force present, making this dump a cautionary tale.
If kissing a Wookiee is your thing, then Kashyyyk is for you. The Wookiee planet harkens back to the days of living off the land and making tools and crafts. Although notoriously known for being bad losers playing chess, the Wookiee community are smart, kind, and very loyal. Visiting Kashyyyk is like visiting a national park, unless it’s during Life Day, when the entire planet celebrates.
So, there you have it, nerfherders. The pros and cons of vacation spots in the Star Wars universe. Where would you like to visit?

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