Written by Tim Seeley
Illustrated by Javier Fernandez
Published by DC Comics
And here we are again!
Another prelude to the comic book wedding of the year. They all feel rather slight and sometimes act like filler issues, bordering on generic. So I gave this one a read. And it’s the first book I read this year that I found a bit creepy to be honest.
This issue starts off with Catwoman’s bachelorette party. It then shows that Jason Todd is watching Selina for some inexplicable reason. We flashback and see that Bruce is paying Jason to watch over Selina so her party with her friends doesn’t get ruined. He’s her security for the party.
There were some nice little moments. I love that Jason charged Batman $150,000 for the night. And there were some lines that I found funny (Jason’s line about Batman in his underwear is really cute), but again it feels half baked.
Worse, I feel like Batman is acting out of character hiring the Red Hood for this purpose and acts rather sexist as a result.
So, Selina dances the night away and Jason finds a plot that leads him to Anarky. Since Anarky is one of the worst characters of the extended Batman family, the whole thing just feels off. We get an okay conversation between the Red Hood and Anarky atop a building but it really leads to nothing.
The ending leads into the next issue which is Harley Quinn and the Joker. Maybe Seeley will do better there. The art is decent enough on this and is probably the best thus far on these prelude issues.
If only it were a stronger story.
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