Written by Dan Jurgens
Illustrated by Marco Castiello
Published by DC Comics
This is the beginning of a brand new storyline called Batman: Target.
This is a nice place for new readers to pick up. Jurgens is doing something really cool with this book which I wasn’t expecting. He is introducing a Beyond version of Robin. And that’s just plain awesome.
The future Robin’s real name is Matt and he’s Terry’s brother. He’s been well developed by Jurgens and is a new type of Robin we haven’t seen before. He’s a little less dark and less angsty than recent Robin efforts.
That being said, the conflict with Batman and Robin is pretty much the same as evidenced later in the issue.
They go up against some Jokerz villains. Robin doesn’t listen to Batman. And so we get the usual scene where Batman scolds Robin for not listening to him. It all seems very familiar and eye rolling.
What is different is that Bruce and Terry are fighting at what’s best for Matt. The ironic twist is that Bruce is all for Matt going out in the field and Terry is against it.
It makes for a nice change from how things usually go. Terry doesn’t want his brother out there and their opinions and philosophies are the heart of this book.
The Jokerz are also committing more violent crimes. They are upping the ante so to speak. And that’s part of the mystery that needs to be solved.
The story is well done. The art compliments it fairly well. It’s not as showy as some of the past artists but that’s perfectly fine.
All in all, this is a decent first part of the newest storyline. I’m excited to see where it goes.
Right now, this is very enjoyable and a good read overall.

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