Written by Tom King and
Art by Tony S. Daniel
and Mikel Janin
Published by DC Comics
The “City of Bane” storyline continues! This has been a great story thus far. This issue really amps up the tension, too.
Tom King has been doing an absolutely magnificent job writing Batman during his tenure. He really has taken Batman to a place we have never seen before. It’s incredibly imaginative and extremely well illustrated.
Gotham Girl sees Damian on a rooftop in the beginning of the issue. She just says, “Oh hey.” Then, she chases Damian around the rooftops of Gotham!
The book gets an adrenaline rush from this right from the get go. Then, Damian turns the tide on Gotham Girl in a hell of an interesting way.
This made me sit up immediately and I just loved it. It’s a beautiful character moment for Damian.
From there, we get to see Selina cooking for Bruce. He then slowly wakes up to realize Selina is making him breakfast. It’s one page but for some reason, that one page really is great!
We then get to see Zsasz and the Scarecrow as law officials going about their day. Then, Robin comes down from on high to beat the living hell out of them. And it’s completely awesome.
While Bruce is recovering , Damian goes and meets up with the Flashpoint Batman. And Damian just taunts him. It’s actually pretty awesome and Thomas Wayne just takes it. Then, the two of them face off. And Damian can’t seem to defeat this version of Batman.
Damian is captured! There is a fairly brutal scene from when Bane appears.
Then it looks like a major character is killed. It’s a pretty shocking moment although it does seem to come out of nowhere. Maybe the creative team have something else in mind that we don’t know about. I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one and see where it goes.
By the end of the issue, it seems like Bruce is finally ready to fight back. It’s about time and it’s a pretty intense moment. He looks to have Catwoman on his side. This ended up being another strong chapter in the “City of Bane” storyline. The story is good and the art is tops. Let’s see where it goes from here, but I’m loving it thus far.

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