Written by Tom King
Illustrated by Travis Moore
Published by DC Comics
Tom King keeps going with his Batman run here!
This issue has a wonderful collaboration with artist Travis Moore. Just when you think this inventive run of comics can’t get any better, it does.
King takes some of the biggest chances in comics and it pays off in spades every time.
I’ll be honest, from the beginning of this comic, I had no idea what what going on.
We see Bruce Wayne as a young boy after his parents were killed. We see him being interrogated in a police room.
Then we cut to Batman and Commissioner Gordon meeting up by the Bat-signal. They are talking about the Wayne family just being brutally murdered.
From there, we cut back to Wayne Manor. In a bizarre twist, Batman shows up. He talks to young Bruce. He gathers some clues from the young man.
Then, he goes hunting. Batman goes into a bar and goes about his investigation. He beats the hell out of some of the local denizens. He’s hellbent and determined.
Travis Moore does a great job from here showing us the determination of this strange Batman. His visuals are strong, and they tell the story in a very dynamic way. He works very well with King.
Eventually, Batman catches up with the Wayne’s killer. The scene where Gordon tells young Bruce the killer is caught is nicely done. But then we see the trial of the killer. And it’s pretty ugly to view.
We then get the strangest, most harrowing ending of the entire series. I’m not sure what it means, nor how it will tie into everything. I only know that I’m excited and full of curiosity. And I for one, hope this feeling lasts for the rest of King’s run. It’s been great.
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