Written by Tom King
Illustrated by Tony S. Daniel
and Mark Buckingham
Published by DC Comics
This is the ending to the three part story involving the KGBeast.
It opens with the Beast’s father reading him a story as a child. The opening page features art by Mark Buckingham and it’s wonderfully illustrated. It shows the Beast at a calmer time in his life and the kids tale is a nice touch by King.
This children’s story is repeated every few pages throughout the issue. It’s about a pig and a fox recruiting a bunch of other animals to go on an adventure to St. Petersburg. As the issue progresses the animals become violent and they start to kill each other. And we eventually see how thematically it links to the main story that King is telling.
And that main story?
Well, as the issue starts, we see Batman approaching a house in the middle of a snowstorm. The KGBeast is pointing a gun. Then, the Beast starts to fire off his gun. Batman dodges most of the bullets. He does get shot in the arm. They have a brutal fight. It eventually ends with Batman firing off his grappling gun at the Beast. When he does, he breaks the Beast’s neck.
So the Beast lays defeated. He tells Batman that if he helps him get help, that he will tell Batman who hired him to kill Robin. Batman refuses and gives us the best line of King’s entire Batman run. Its absolutely pitch perfect.
The children’s story ends the issue. We get to see the point of why King wrote the book this way. And it’s well done. King wraps everything up nicely and gives the story an amazing structure. He’s one of the few writers who knows how to bookend things perfectly.
Tony Daniel’s art is amazing. He’s at the top of his game too. The fight scene he draws is fluid and wonderful. He’s constantly improving. This is another strong issue in a highly successful run. Thumbs up all around to this creative team.

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