Image via Instagram/AnthonyBourdain
“It’s been an adventure. We took some casualties over the years.
Things got broken. Things got lost. But I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
–– RIP Anthony Bourdain, 1956 – 2018
Chef, TV star, writer and all-around punk badass shuffled off this mortal coil on June 8 at age 61. A small screen personality who began his career in the best kitchens of the world, the author penned many a book about the joys of cooking, life and travel.
Bourdain left his mark on this world through his words and actions, inspiring countless others to see the world and taste all that life has to offer. From his shows such as Parts Unknown and No Reservations to his books including Kitchen Confidential and The Nasty Bits, Bourdain was a man to be reckoned with, in or our of the kitchen.
Take a moment to remember this amazing chef with a few quotes and clips:
Anthony Chowing Down With Obama
Obama goes to Vietnam and meets with Bourdain and teaches the President about the art of the noodle.
“It takes some skills to handle those sticky, cold noodles. But whatever your opinion of the man, the President has those skills.”
Anthony Bourdain’s Favorite Restaurant In Los Angeles:
Watch as the fast skillful scarfs down a double-double and talks about the hamburger, the perfect protein delivery system.
“The thing about a burger is that there are many forces at play…”
The Saddest Meal Anthony Bourdain Ever Ate
The chef talks to Conan O’Brien about bad decisions made late at night and/or “altered state of consciousness, the difficulties of sneaking into the Colonel’s chicken stand and his distaste for an airport Johnny Rockets.
Bourdain on Yo Gabba Gabba!
He might be a punk-ass chef in the kitchen, but in this colorful clip, Bourdain plays a doctor who helps Toodee get better. Probably because his young daughter wasn’t interested in watching him eat ox anus over a campfire.
Anthony Bourdain Goes To A Waffle House
“It’s warm yellow glow, a beacon of hope and salvation, inviting the hungry, the lost, the seriously hammered all across the South to come inside.”
Munchies With Boudain – Vice Channel
Bourdain takes a culinary tour of The City That Never Sleeps
Remember: “Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”
RIP Chef.

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