Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Rafael Albuquerque
Published by DC Comics
This is the penultimate issue of this series and it is something else.
Writer Scott Snyder and artist Rafael Albuquerque have really done a great job revitalizing this series and this issue is no different. This has been one wild ride for sure!
There are only a few hours left before the earth cracks and humanity is utterly destroyed.
The VMS has exhausted every possible reasonable way of defense. Things are looking pretty hopeless for the most part at this point. Everyone’s spirits are pretty much down.
That is is when our heroes go figure they would try one last ditch effort.
The VMS decide to launch an all out frontal attack against the Beast. The Beast is in his final form too and things aren’t looking too good for our unlikely and intrepid heroes at this point.
Travis taps into his new powers here. Felicia takes control of the nukes while Gus fights for freedom. It all gets pretty insane. But at the end of this, Skinner Sweet and Pearl have an unforgettable moment that truly resonates.
The end is near for this book and it is going out spectacularly!
The writing by Scott Snyder is pretty damn great here. He is sticking the landing and it is showing on each and every page. What can be said about Rafael Albuquerque that hasn’t been said before? I am not sure, but he does a great job too.
Overall, this is another fine issue of this series and I can’t wait to see how it all ends.

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