Wasn’t Kill Bill such a great comeback movie for Marilyn Monroe?
Didn’t John Wayne deserve the Academy Award for that instead of True Grit?
Welcome to the latest Forces of Geek column coming to you from Alternate Earth.
A place where The Man from Hong Kong: Big Mike Leeder only became Medium Mike the Kid from Croydon, a place where so much is similar, but at the same time so very different.
A world where Bruce Lee heads the cast for The Matrix, David Carradine & Jack Nicholson star in Blade Runner, Clint Eastwood played the cigar chomping adamantium enhanced mutant known as Wolverine and The Weinstein’s paid Bruce Willis a record breaking fee to play the title character in Pac Man: The Movie!
So many movies we know and love could have turned out so differently, some for better some for worse. Humphrey Bogart’s classic turn as Rick in Casablanca, began life as a project for Ronald Reagan! Jean-Claude Van Damme was set to wear the loincloth and wield the sword as the protector of Eternia in Cannon’s planned He Man & the Masters of the Universe sequel, James Cameron was attached to Spider-Man for some time, Johnny Depp & Val Kilmer were supposed to headline cyberpunk actioner Johnny Mnemonic along with The Lover’s Jane March if all had gone to plan.
Artist Sean Hartter takes classic films and gives them an alternate universe cast & style make over at www.seanhartter.com and really caught our attention with some incredible artwork and makeovers.
Our favourites include a mid 50’s take on The X-Men with Alec Guinness as Professor X, Grace Kelly as Jean Grey, James Dean as Cyclops, Dennis Hopper as Angel and Chuck Conners as Wolverine!
Joe D’Amato & Roger Corman’s Blade Runner starring David Carradine, Sybil Danning & Jack Nicholson as Roy Batty (can you imagine Jack’s take on ‘I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe’?)
Sam Peckinpah’s Marvel adaptation of Wolverine starring Clint Eastwood, a Roger Corman produced take on Kill Bill with Marilyn Munroe out for revenge on her former lover played by John Wayne, Charles Bronson rocking the pushchair on a stylized modern day reworking of Lone Wolf & Cub, and so much more.
We thought it was time to talk to Sean about his artwork and inspiration and the feedback he’s been getting from people around the world.
Tell us about yourself, sir.
I’m a father of two boys and been married for 17 years, I illustrate everything from kid’s books to comics and am currently working on custom posters for movie studios as well as designing DVD covers for new releases (which are works in development I can’t talk about yet). I have two comic characters I created, Nobody the Idiot and Crowhead, both of which will have comic compilations due out this year featuring both known and not so well known artists as well as myself. I am also working on a fumetti style comic story for the Mekano Turbo “Fistful Of Fumetti” book line after having a Crowhead short story appear in the last issue of the series. Both my hand drawn art and poster work have been in numerous publications such as Star Wars Insider magazine and on websites like Fearnet and Fangoria.com.
Where do you get your inspiration for some of your alternate universe posters?
My inspiration for the posters is 37 years of saturating my brain with movies of all kinds. It’s fun to me to combine unlikely actors, actresses, directors in films that in many ways make total (if twisted) sense. Being a name in the film industry means that you represent a certain set of ideals that are unique, and combining those ideals in my posters create a depth that helps you envision what the completed film would be like.
I pay a lot of attention to who I have starring, directing, scoring and writing the films in order to further enrich the imagined final product. I’m a huge fan of the movie poster design ethics of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s and really feel posters nowadays are missing the raw appeal that posters of those decades presented. Those old posters had raw, visceral dynamics. The Tarantino / Rodriguez Grindhouse films were, to me, a welcome return to the heyday of the exploitation poster.
What has been the response to them..have you ever heard from any of the people featured in the artwork or from filmmakers?
SH: I’ve had a great response from the entertainment industry from people like Damon Lidelof (co-creator of LOST) and comic creators Rob Liefeld and Mark Millar, who loved the alternate universe movie poster I did for his excellent Marvel Icon comic book miniseries Nemesis starring James Woods as a kind of evil Batman analog character. The posters been featured on hundreds of websites from Wired.com to IFC and Slashfilm.
They were even printed out and hung up in the windows of Dark Horse Comic’s headquarters in Milwaukie, Oregon by the tech staff. Cool stuff.
If any of your alt universe movies could be made, which ones and why would you really want to see?
I’d like to see these five of my alternate universe movie posters made into actual films:
A soft core RoboCop starring Wings Hauser and directed by I Spit On Your Grave director Meir Zarchi.
The Batman of Gotham City directed by Mario Bava (of “Danger: Diabolik” fame) and starring David Bowie as the Joker.
Marilyn Monroe and John Wayne starring in a Roger Corman produced Kill Bill.
Ronald Reagan never became president, but instead portrayed Big Brother in Paul Verhoeven’s ultra-violent 1984.
And finally David Cronenberg’s Tron starring actors that have been in actual Cronenberg films and featuring the amazing voice of Naked Lunch author William S. Burroughs as the Master Control Program.
For more of Sean’s work or to purchase prints of some of his work, or commission a special edition log onto https://hartter.blogspot.hk/ and tell him that Forces of Geek sent you….

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