Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Sean Lewis
Art by Daniel Sampere, Sami Basri, Adriana Melo
Published by DC Comics
Man, this book just keeps getting better and better. It has been an unbelievable experience reading the story that Phillip Kennedy Johnson is writing. I have to say that he is writing one of the most epic stories that Superman has ever been a part of.
Superman has been having more concerns about what Warworld’s purpose in the universe means. He starts doing a lot of investigating on the place. What he is finding out isn’t very good. So, he decides to do the only thing that he really can.
Superman has also decided to keep the abandoned Warworld weapon out of the hands of everyone who wants it. This puts him at odds with many other characters and they make their presence known. This causes a lot of conflict between Superman and his friends.
The Justice League starts to question his judgement. Now, Clark has to make some serious choices. Can he do so? The script is quite excellent and the art is awesome. The main story here is pretty darn spectacular.
This book also has a nice backup story written by Sean Lewis and illustrated by Sami Basri. This story features the Guardian and it shows how things might be headed for the Future State. All in all, this is a great issue.

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