Written by Phillip K. Johnson,
Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad
Illustrated by Daniel Sampere,
Michael Avon Oeming
Published by DC Comics
Phillip Kennedy Johnson’s amazing run on Superman continues here. His plots and writing have both been incredibly strong and I have been loving every minute of it. This issue is well done too and it really went into some unexpected places.
Superman is in for the fight of his life in this issue. He is in space trying to keep the mysterious refugees alive. He has to wade through a lot of trouble to do so.
It is quite exciting to see Superman be an actual hero in this way.
While this is going on, the people in the colony learn some really surprising answers out about their lost colony.
This puts them all in a really crazy place that they have to deal with.
They may have a difficult time doing that however, considering what it is that they have learned.
Meanwhile, Atlantis itself has to deal with a mysterious Kaiju coming it’s way. Things aren’t looking too good for the residents. If they aren’t careful, this may lead to the end of everything. Things are really that crazy!
The backup story features the Midnighter and it is written by Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad with artwork by Michael Avon Oeming. It is a good story about the Midnighter looking into the Trojan’s scheme and it is very entertaining.
Overall, this is a great book!

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