Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson,
Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad
Art by Daniel Sampere,
Michael Avon Oeming
Published by DC Comics
Man, having Phillip Kennedy Johnston writing this book has just been great. He has had a plan for Superman since he started and we are really beginning to see these plans unfold.
His latest storyline here is just killer and really shows what can be done with this character who has been around for so long.
There was a battleship that had escaped Warworld. Superman goes to investigate this ship.
Who is on it? Why were they fleeing?
And more importantly, just where was it that they were trying to get to?
Superman tries to investigate their identities. He sees that they actually might be Kryptonians. But there is nobody left who survived the demise of Krypton, right?
This revelation may change everything for Superman.
There may be more to than Superman knows, too.
There are scientists that are looking over the ship. They make a discovery that may change things for everyone on Earth and beyond. This first story of the issue is great. Johnson writes a very sharp script and Sampere really comes alive on the art.
The backup story is written by Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad, with art by Michael Avon Oeming. It features the Midnighter trying to gather information on the Chrysalis. His discoveries may cost him his relationship with Apollo. Can he salvage it? Or is all lost?
This is a very good story too, making the whole issue quite excellent indeed.

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