I mean, just imagine having the power to call a “time out” in a non-sporting event or child rearing situation. And imagine having the people around you literally freezing (with only blinking eyes) while you speak to the millions watching at home.
That is the power and mystique of the “Zack Morris Timeout.”
You could do so much if this power actually translated to real life. Raising children would be so much easier if you could use a “Zack Attack” and give your child a time out that would literally stop them in their tracks. We would have peace in the world if you could just call a time out, have evil dictator/terrorist freeze, and either capture or take out said bad guy.
The possibilities are endless.
Most shows have background music that tries to fit different ]
Sure, his infatuation may have been creepy at times, but the music that played when Patty was around helped add that puppy love feel to Doug’s first crush. Or anytime Mr. Dink was there you knew that goofy song would play. Roger Klotz, school bully extraordinaire, had the badass guitar riff of course. And who could forget Judy, Doug’s hipster actress sister. You knew when she was in the room (probably high?).
Imagine if the characters in the show called your life had music that accompanied them when they were around you?
George Feeny from Boy Meets World defined the kind of teacher that generations of youth need. No one was harder on his students, especially his neighbor Cory, Shawn and Topanga who he taught, I believe, from Kindergarten to College. But he was the way he was because he just wanted them to succeed. He believed in them even when they doubted themselves. He was a father figure (along with Alan Matthews and the disappearing Mr. Turner) to Shawn who eventually overcame personal problem after personal problem (after personal problem, after personal problem).
He even helped the gradually insane turning Eric Matthews succeed in high school then college. And he constantly helped Cory, the boy who met the world.
4. A Principal Like Mr. Belding
Mr. B was always there for the gang at Bayside. He tried his best to keep the students in check no matter what Zack Morris had in store for him. But behind the disciplinarian, there was a heart of gold. He knew the right notes to hit with Zack and the rest when they really needed him.
Whether it was Slater dealing with the doubts of his military father, Jessie’s feminist and environmentalist activism, Screech’s constant battle of fitting in with five other cooler and more attractive friends and even just Zack’s daily schemes, Belding was always standing by with an open door, a willing ear, and an ever-watchful eye. Even at his most trying hour, dealing with his younger brother’s willful irresponsibility, Mr. Belding provided his students not only with a quality education, but the sort of guidance that truly shapes confused, horny teenagers into confident adults.
Some questions that you have to answer at school or work do not have easy solutions. But instead of having to deal with certain mental strains to your brain, how great would it be to have the option to ask for a physical challenge?
Double Dare and Family Double Dare taught us that, if you don’t know an answer to trivia, you can try to use your physical abilities to get out of the problem.
Frankie, you know Marc Summers…make this all happen!
Well, provided you have access to that person’s DNA, you could make that happen! That is, as long as you’re a genius on the level of one Steven Q. Urkel.
It worked, perhaps a little too well as Stefan was initially far too shallow to be an ideal romantic partner. Still, sitcoms go to the well as many times as they can, and Stefan returned on multiple occasions in a refined, more gentlemanly form.
Well, with a dose of Steve’s “Bruce Juice,” you can take on the form of the Dragon himself, Bruce Lee! That’s what Steve and his portly policeman neighbor Carl Winslow did, to take on a gang of thugs trying to steal the chamber (and later, what Steve and little Richie Winslow did to fight off Power Rangers’ Jason Frank–yes, Tommy the Green Ranger).
Infused with Lee’s DNA, Steve and Carl unleashed a Jeet Kune Do beatdown the likes of which American prime time television hadn’t seen since the ’60s.
The transformation chamber is a truly versatile thing. Who knows what other historical figures you could bring back to life–in your own body!
Heck, what adult wouldn’t want that? (I know I still want to be a Power Ranger. — F13)
To obtain one would make you the biggest kid on the block in no time.
Bullies giving you a hard time? Treat them to a visit from the Red Ranger.
Your boss on your case? Show up to his window in the driver’s seat of the Thunder Ultrazord.
The Crag, for the uninitiated, was a rock climbing structure on steroids, used as the final round on Nickelodeon’s GUTS.
GUTS was basically a show that was all physical challenges, such as basketball shooting contests, upside down cycle races, zero-gravity hurdles, crazy obstacle courses, and the like. The Crag, though, tested everything you had and then some. If you could make the top of the Crag, you could call yourself the baddest on the block.

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